Sunday, January 12, 2014

Crickets and Smaug (gut loading!)

Wow, where to begin?

So when I first got Smaug, I was told he never liked crickets. I left one with him over night in the Kritter Keeper, and it was gone the next day, so had either escaped or he ate it! I put a damp towel over half of the lid of the Keeper to deter the cricket from escaping. Anyways I still never saw him show any interest in crickets when I put him in an feeding container. Basically an empty container that you can put your Crestie in and watch them hunt crickets without the possibility of them eating substrate. I had tried yesterday when I gave Smaug a bath to help with stuck shed (I will write a blog for that as well), but there was still no interest in the crickets.

So let's back up a bit. Yesterday I went to Petsmart to pick up some 11 cent babycrickets to gut load since I really don't know how much CGD Smaug has eaten. I was planning on letting the crickets breed, but found out I didn't get any females? I have some pictures of my cricket setup.

Anyways after Smaug's displease with the crickets, I thought they would all go to waste, until a few minutes ago! I had taken Smaug out to fix the Bark cork board problem. It was bowed out a little, so he could and was squeezing behind the board. I went out and bout some industrial velcro, and filled the sides in with fake plants. When I put him back in, he climbed to the bottom of the tank and was looking outwards to the left. I didn't think anything of it, but I had put the Cricket cage there. Sure enough Smaug started pouncing at the glass towards the crickets. Excitedly I put Smaug into the separate container, and threw three tiny crickets in with him. But he just sat there as they climbed all over.. So sulkingly I placed him back into his lair, and he crawled into the log hide in the bottom. I then had the idea to toss the crickets in there with him. As they surrounded him, he did nothing.... But after about a half hour I leaned over to check on him and he was crawling out of his log hide at me. I didn't realize he was after the cricket right in front of him!! I had the pleasure of not only watching him eat up a couple crickets, but I was able to take some pictures and video. Now I know people say not to put crickets into the habitat, but he won't eat them unless I do! I don't think he feels comfortable eating outside of his home. I am super happy and excited that I was able to see him finally eat. It just makes me feel better than assuming he is eating. :)

Click here to watch Smaug eat the Cricket!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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