Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Night Handling the New Boys!

Good morning! (Technically here)

I wanted to let everyone know about my first real time handling the three new Cresties I received last week. I did transfer 2 of them to new tanks, then also, took all of them out of their tanks in order to change the substrate, but tonight we got to sit down and hold each one!

Last week when I got them, I went to transfer Nefarian about 6 inches into his new tank, as soon as I got him into my hands, he pounced out, leapt at the desk his tank is on, and started climbing into the new tank. Noz was super scared and was just trying to back up and hide, we felt really bad, but very slowly eased him into his new tank. All week I have been interacting with them when I changed their food, misted, and took pictures from outside their tanks. I think this helped them ease. Last Saturday was the first time we tried to pick up Elegon and place him in a temporary tank so I could clean out and redo his home tank. He seemed super flighty and wouldn't really let us pick him up. He ended up biting my man who was very sweetly trying to let him walk onto his hand. Thankfully he is a trooper and didn't mind Elegon's bite, he felt bad the Crestie was so scared. This was the first time I had seen them bite at someone and it made me pretty nervous, but I was soon reassured that the bite felt like nothing since they really have no teeth. after that I became gecko whisperer and had no problem picking him up and transferring him. I have a feeling just holding your hand out with no other motivation, might make it seem like your hand is food? I usually hold my hand out in front of them and stroke their back softly, or gently scoop under their chin, or around their sides, and they usually climb onto you.

So tonight is almost exactly one week from when we picked the guys up. All week we had been eyeballing each other, and today was the day! Noz was awesome to handle, easy to pick up, easy to hold. He is very powerful and can leap far, but not really fast. VERY SWEET!!! Elegon surprisingly, once I picked him up was also sweet. No biting today whooo!!! And even though he is the fastest, he did really enjoy just chilling out. Nefarian was easy to get, but he was the jumpiest today, landing with the cutest pat/splay noise. He nearly climbed up the side of my face lol!

I was able to weigh all three:

Noz 38g (-2 from previous owner's number)
Nefarian 14g
Elegon 18g

Everyone seems to be in a good range so far. I got the Watermelon Pangea mix in today, so hopefully they will munch on that and really like it.

Overall we had a lot of fun, laughs, and many pictures. It was a great first experience, and I feel like I got to know each one personally.

Thanks for stopping by!

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